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This is a beautiful game!


Love it! Nice work. Have you considered giving players the dopamine hit of seeing the shuttle blast off after successfully completing a level? 😃

Now that the ship takes off when you fail the level... yes, that would be pretty easy to add!




Congratulations with finishing a game!
It became boring after 76 astronauts or maybe earlier. 

At the very beginning, it seemed to me that the mini-game with loading astronauts into a rocket was just the first stage. That the second stage will be on another planet and there will be another mini-game, for example you need to pull astronauts out of the rocket and place them in their workplaces on the lunar base.

But in the end, it’s just the same mini-game in different locations, the mini-game itself is not very interesting and shows itself well as part of some story or set of mini-games, or some kind of development of the difficulty curve is needed - more astronauts, less time, fires on the rocket that need to be extinguished with taps or something like that.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm definitely ruminating on how to add more variety as well as continuing to tweak the difficulty.


Really fun! And cool music!


(1 edit) (+1)

Fun idea, maybe add a timer and some indication of progress? I like the graphics a lot!

Thanks for the feedback! I agree showing the level number and a final score would be good additions.

There is a timer - maybe you were too fast to notice 😄


Oh sure enough! Maybe I had my browser scrolled so that wasn't visible or something. Because I definitely wasn't too fast!

Added level indicator and a final score. Thanks for the suggestions!